madman101 Jan 02, 2013 22:06
music - musical trends, mathematics - predictive models, my predictions and prophesies, space - comets / meteors, all * consciousness, economy - economic trends, religion - vengeful god, ufo's (and see aliens), space - solar - exploding sun, all * trends / predictions, multi-factoral! / multifactoral!, interconnectedness, geological - magnetic field/ pole shift, space - solar entanglement, paranormal / supernatural, predictions and prophesies, universe - origami universe, hypothesism, foundation for economic trends, space - mars, art - trends in art, physics - superluminal info transfer, all * entropism, parascientific - crop circles, space - solar - and see geological, god / not god/ atheism/ belief/ faith, environ - climate models/ predictions, madness, physics - superplasma theory, physics - quantum entanglement, all * entanglement, universe - electrical universe theory, talking sun, geological - piezoelectric effects, social trends / pop trends, trends / global trends, coincidence / synchronicity, prophesy - and see predictions and proph, politics - political trends/annalysis